How to reduce my nose without surgery ?
I will talk now about a magical solution to reduce the nose ,really i can say magical because i write this recipe before and many try it and they got nice results
the magical thing is ginger ; yes ginger i say now and alwayz that ginger is really magical to minimize ur nose without spending money or go to have surgery
Knit the fresh ginger
then mix it with warm water
put the paste on your nose
Repeat the process until you minimise your nose
How to minimize your nose without surgery in 10 days ?
You like reduce your nose , you hate to have surgery ,you want have nice small nose so try this recipe to minimize your nose without suregery in 10 days
You take :
fresh ginger scrubbed
Hot water
Mix water and ginger for 24 hours
After that filter the mixture to have brown liquid
Put the liquid on flask then in the refrigerator
Everyday anoint your nose by liquid
After some days you will notice your nose reduced
For any question plz don't hesitate....
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