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Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Contact me

You need a help?You have a problem you want  to solve?

Hair tired ;Pale face ;In your face there is acne ;overweight ;Nails broken ;There are wrinkles on your face .Here you find solution write me your problem and I will do my best to help you So let a comment ...follow me on twitter : @ naturalyyyyy  


  1. Hello I'm a over weight girl with small boobs and a lot of facial hair can you help me with these things?

  2. hello my friend !
    thx for ur comment and i ll do my best to help you and give you all recipes wich will be usefull for you ,so let's start !

    we start by facial hair ,ok
    i ll give you a recipe you may use and you tell me results
    we ll need for recipe : turmeric and humous both crunched
    mix the both components with little of water
    put the paste on ur face ,wait 35 min then start rubing then wash ur face by warm water and use ur cream
    if you dont have humous so use just turmeric
    for other problem ;
    i ll give you now the recipe:
    1/you take green tea ; ginger scubbed ; pomegranate peel ; you make all these on boiling water for 30 min then you take a cup without sugar after every meal


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